Articles in english

  1. Petoukhov S.V. Genetic code, the problem of coding biological cycles, and cyclic Gray codes. – Biosystems, vol. 246, December 2024, 105349,

  2. Petoukhov S.V. Relationship between genetic coding and cyclic Gray codes. The problem of inheritance of biocycles. – Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure / Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2024). – The Fourteenth International Multiconference (August 5-10, 2024, Novosibirsk, Russia). -Abstracts / Inst. of Cytol. And Genetics, Sib. Branch of the Russ. Acad. of Sci.; Novosib. State Univ. – Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2024. – Pp. 2055-2058, – doi 10.18699/bgrs2024-12.1-03.

  3. Petoukhov S.V.  Binary-genomic numbers and symmetries of the universal rules of statistical organization of genomic DNAs. –  Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure / Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2024). –  The Fourteenth International Multiconference (August 5–10, 2024, Novosibirsk, Russia). – Abstracts / Inst. of Cytol. and Genetics, Sib. Branch of the Russ. Acad. of Sci.; Novosib. State Univ. – Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2024. – pp. 2163-2165. –  doi 10.18699/bgrs2024-12.3-09.

  4. Petoukhov, S. Cyclic Gray Codes in Modeling Inherited Cyclic Biostructures and Analysis of Statistical Rules of Genomic DNAs. – Preprints 2024, 2024020713, from 13 February 2024, 40 pages,

  5. Petoukhov S.V. The doctrine of energy-informational evolution based on bio-antenna arrays and algebraic biology. – “Selected works” of the World Congress “System Theory, Algebraic Biology, Artificial Intelligence”, 26-30 June, 2023, Moscow (, p. 359-368, 2023. DOI 10.18699/sblai2023-62
  6. Petoukhov S.V. Cyclic Gray Codes in Modeling Inherited Cyclic Biostructures and Analysis of Statistical Rules of Genomic DNAs. – Preprints 2024, 2024020713, from 13 February 2024, 40 pages,
  7. Petoukhov S.V. The principle “like begets like” in algebra-matrix genetics and code biology. Biosystems, 233 (2023) 105019.
  8.  Petoukhov S.V. The Principle “Like Begets Like” in Molecular and Algebraic-Matrix Genetics. Preprints 2022, 2022110528 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202211.0528.v3).
  9. S. V. Petoukhov, E. S. Petukhova, V. I. Svirin. Genetic biomechanics, stochastic rules of genomes, and stochastic resonance. – AIP Conference Proceedings 2697, 060002 (2023); ,
  10. Verevkin V.V., Petoukhov S.V. Block-Stochastic organization of genomes, stochastics in biomechanics of motions, and inherited Gestalt principles in physiology.AIP Conference Proceedings 2697, 060004 (2023);,
  11. Petoukhov S.V. The Principle “Like Begets Like” in Molecular and Algebraic-Matrix Genetics. Preprints 2022, 2022110528 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202211.0528.v2), from 19 December 2022.

    Petoukhov S. The Principle “Like Begets Like” in Molecular and Algebraic-Matrix GeneticsPreprints 2022, 2022110528 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202211.0528.v1),  from 29 November 2022,

  12. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S., Svirin V.I. Complex and hyperbolic Fibonacci numbers and phyllotaxis. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, v. 33, № 3, p. 209-220  (2022).   DOI: 10.26830/symmetry_2022_3_209.
  13. Petoukhov S.V. Binary oppositions, algebraic holography, and stochastic rules in genetic informatics. – Biosystems, vol. 221, 104760, November 2022.
  14. Petoukhov S.V. Genetic code, musical harmony, stochastic resonance and the Ancient Chinese book of I-Ching. – In the book: Comprehensive Multi-professional Approach to the Treatment of Patients with a Focus on the Use of Less Frequent Methods.- Editor-in-Chief Solar G. p. 160-180, 2022. Published by: The First Clinic of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine of G.Solar, Ltd, Samorin, Slovak Republic. ISBN 978-80-974284-1-9. EAN 9788097428419. This publication was created thanks to support from the European Union Erasmus program, project number 2020-1-SK01-KA202-078222.
  15. Petoukhov S.V. Rules of Stochastics of Genomic DNAs, Biological Dualism “Stochastics-Determinism”, and Tensor-Unitary Transformations. – Preprints 2022, 2022080435 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202208.0435.v1). 20 pages. 25.08.2022,
  16. Petoukhov S.V. The stochastic organization of genomes and the doctrine of energy-information evolution based on bio-antenna arraysBiosystems, 2022, 104712, ISSN 0303-2647,
  17. Petoukhov S. The Stochastic Organization of Genomes and the Doctrine of Energy-Information Evolution Based on Bio-Antenna Arrays. Preprints 2022, 2022030100 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202203.0100.v1). Received: 2 March 2022.
  18. Petoukhov S.V. Genetics and consciousness: algebraic holography, gestalt biology, and dualism “probability-vs-determinism”. Keynote presentation at the Winter Session of Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness, India, 01.01.2022 (conference website –
  19. Petoukhov S.V. Universal rules of genomic stochastics and the doctrine of energy-information evolution based on bio-antenna arrays. – Presentation at the International conference “INFORMATION, ENERGY, CONSCIOUSNESS”, 12.03.2022, Brasil.
  20. Petoukhov S.V. The stochastic organization of genomes and the doctrine of energy-information evolution based on bio-antenna arrays. – Presentation at the International Interdisciplinary Medical Congress of Natural Medicine No. 23 on Science, Medicine and Spirituality topic. Slovakia, 18-20 March 2022.
  21. Petoukhov S.V. Quantum code biology and the doctrine of energy-information evolution based on bio-antenna arrays. – Presentation at Eighth International Conference in Code Biology.Olomouc, Czech Republic, 7-11 June 2022.
  22. Petoukhov S.V. Algebraic harmony and probabilities in genomes. Long-range coherence in quantum code biology. – Biosystems, Volume 209, November 2021, 104503. (Available online 20 August 2021, 104503).
  23. Petoukhov S.V. Symmetries, genetic languages, holography and algebraic harmony in genetics. – Keynote talk at Symmetry Festival, 9-12 July 2021, Sophia, Bulgaria (
  24. Petoukhov S.V. Algebraic harmony in genomic DNA-texts and long-range coherence in biological systems. – Presentation at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Power Engineering (AIPE2020, 25-27 December 2020, Moscow, Russia,
  25. Petoukhov S.V. Quantum biology, universal cooperative rules in genomes, and algebraic harmony in living bodies. –15 December 2020, for the book of the Hyojeong Academic Foundation, Korea.
  26. Petoukhov S.V. Algebraic Rules for the Percentage Composition of Oligomers in Genomes. Preprints 2021, 2021010360, 3rd version, 84 pages (DOI: 10.20944/preprints202101.0360.v3). Chapter 16 contains the author’s concept on algebraic holography in genetic informatics and algebraic biology.
  27. Petoukhov S.V. Algebraic Rules for the Percentage Composition of Oligomers in Genomes. Preprints 2021, 2021010360, 58 pages,  (doi:10.20944/preprints202101.0360.v2).
  28. Petoukhov S.V. Hyperbolic rules of the cooperative organization of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes. – Biosystems, v.198 (2020), 104273, p. 1-27.  
  29. Petoukhov S.V. Modeling inherited physiological structures based on hyperbolic numbers. – Biosystems, vol. 199, 2021, 104285,  ISSN 0303-2647,
  30. Petoukhov, S.V. (2020). Hyperbolic Rules in Genomes, the Harmonic Progression and Recurrence Sequences in Algebraic Biology. Preprints 2020, 2020080398 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202008.0398.v1).
  31. Petoukhov S.V. Genomes symmetries and algebraic harmony in living bodies. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, Vol. 31, No. 2, 222-223, 2020,
  32. Petoukhov S.V.  Hyperbolic Rules of the Oligomer Cooperative Organization of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Genomes. Preprints 2020, 2020050471, 95 pages, from 20 June 2020 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202005.0471.v2),
  33. Petoukhov, S. Hyperbolic Numbers in Modeling Genetic Phenomena. Preprints 2019, 2019080284 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201908.0284.v4). Version 4, from 12.04.2020,
  34. Petoukhov, S.V. The Genetic Code, Algebraic Codes and Double Numbers. Preprints 2019, 2019110301, version 2 from 16 March 2020 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201911.0301.v2).
  35. Fimmel E., Gumbel M., Karpuzoglu A., Petoukhov S., On comparing composition principles of long DNA sequences with those of random ones. – Biosystems, v. 180, pages 101-108, June 2019;
  36. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S., Svirin V.I. Symmetries of DNA alphabets and  quantum informational formalisms. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, Vol. 30, No. 2, 161-179, 2019с;
  37. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S., Svirin V.I. New Symmetries and Fractal-Like Structures  in the Genetic Coding System. – Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education. Editors Z.B. Hu, S.V. Petoukhov,I. Dychka, M. He. (Part of the book series:  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, volume 754, pages 588-600. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, copyright 2019.
  38. Hu Z., Petoukhov S., He M., I. Dychka.  Foreword to the book «Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education». В книге: Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education. Editors Z.B. Hu, S.V. Petoukhov,I. Dychka, M. He. (Part of the book series:  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, volume 754, pages V-VI. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, copyright 2019.
  39. He M., Hu Z. B., Petoukhov S.V., M. Triply Stochastic Cubes Associated with Genetic Code Numerical Mappings. – В книге: Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education. Editors Z.B. Hu, S.V. Petoukhov,I. Dychka, M. He. (Part of the book series:  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing , volume 754, pages 601-616. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, copyright 2019.
  40. He M., Hu Z. B., Petoukhov S.V. Standard Genetic Code and Golden Ratio Cubes. – In: Hu Z., Petoukhov S., He M. (eds) Advances in Artificial Systems for Medicine and Education II. AIMEE2018 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 902, pp. 25-36, 2020. Springer, Cham.
  41. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S. On Genetic Unitary Matrices and Quantum-Algorithmic Genetics. – IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 489 (2019) 012048 IOP Publishing, pp. 1-5, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/489/1/012048.
  42. Darvas, G., Petoukhov, S.V. Algebra for Transforming Genetic Codes Based on Matrices Applied in Quantum Field Theories. – In: Hu Z., Petoukhov S., He M. (eds) Advances in Artificial Systems for Medicine and Education II. AIMEE2018 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 902, pp. 47-55, 2020. Springer, Cham.
  43. Fimmel E., Petoukhov S.V. Genetic Code Modelling from the Perspective of Quantum Informatics. – In: Hu Z., Petoukhov S., He M. (eds) Advances in Artificial Systems for Medicine and Education II. AIMEE2018 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 902, pp. 117-125, 2020. Springer, Cham.
  44. Petoukhov, S., Petukhova, E., Svirin, V. On Symmetries Inside Complete Sets of Chromosomes. – In: Hu Z., Petoukhov S., Dychka I., He M. (eds). Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education II. pp 544-554, ICCSEEA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 938, 2020. Springer, Cham.
  45. Petoukhov S.V. Connections Between Long Genetic and Literary Texts. The Quantum-Algorithmic Modelling. –  In: Hu Z., Petoukhov S., Dychka I., He M. (eds) Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education II. pp 534-543, ICCSEEA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 938, 2020. Springer, Cham.
  46. Petoukhov, S. Nucleotide Epi-Chains and New Nucleotide Probability Rules in Long DNA Sequences. Preprints 2019, 2019040011, 41 pages (doi: 10.20944/preprints201904.0011.v2).
  47. Petoukhov, S. Hyperbolic Numbers in Modeling Genetic Phenomena. Preprints 2019, 2019080284, 36 pages. Online: 19 September 2019, (doi: 10.20944/preprints201908.0284.v2).
  48. Petoukhov, S.V. The Genetic Code, Algebraic Codes and Double Numbers. Preprints 2019, 2019110301 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201911.0301.v1). 14 pages. Version 1 : Received: 24 November 2019 / Approved: 24 November 2019 / Online: 24 November 2019
  49. Hu Z.B., Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S. On symmetries, resonances and photonic crystals in morphogenesis. – Biosystems, v. 173, 2018, p. 165-173, DOI  10.1016/j.biosystems.2018.09.004
  50. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S., Svirin V.I. New Symmetries and Fractal-Like Structures  in the Genetic Coding System. – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, v. 754, 2018, p. 588-600,

  51. Petoukhov, S. The Genetic Coding System and Unitary Matrices. – Preprints 2018, 2018040131, 39 pages (doi: 10.20944/preprints201804.0131.v2 ), submitted on 27.09.2018.

  52. Petoukhov, S. Structural Connections between Long Genetic and Literary Texts. – Preprints 2018, 2018120142 , 22 pages; online 12.12.2018,

  53. Petoukhov S. Quantum-Information Genetics and New          Symmetries in Long DNA-Texts. – «The 1st  International Symposium on Quantum Science & Technology”, the Section of Quantum Biology  (24-27  June 2018, United Kingdom, https://quantum.nscj.

  54. He M., Hu Z.B., Petoukhov S.V.  Triply Stochastic Cubes Associated with Genetic Code Numerical Mappings. – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, v. 754, 2018, p. 606-616,

  55. Petoukhov S.V. The genetic coding system and unitary matrices. – , Preprints 2018, 2018040131  (doi:10.20944/preprints201804.0131.v1).
  56. Petoukhov S.V. The rules of long DNA-sequences and tetra-groups of oligonucleotides. –, the 1st version from 14 September 2017.
  57. Petoukhov S.V. “Genetic coding and united-hypercomplex systems in the models of algebraic biology” – Biosystems, 2017, v. 158, pp. 31-46. 

  58. Hu Z.B., Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S. «I-Ching, dyadic groups of binary numbers and the geno-logic coding in living bodies”. – Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Volume 131, December 2017, Pages 354-368.
  59. Hu Z.B., Petoukhov S.V. «Generalized crystallography, the genetic system and biochemical esthetics”. – Structural Chemistry, February 2017 Struct Chem (2017) v. 28, №1, pp. 239-247. doi:10.1007/s11224-016-0880-0.

  60. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S. «Symmetries in genetic systems and the concept of geno-logical coding» – Information, 2017, 8(1), 2; doi:10.3390/info8010002,,

  61. Stepanyan I.V., Petoukhov S.V. «The matrix method of representation, analysis ans classification of long genetic sequences». – Information, 2017, 8(1), 12; doi:10.3390/info8010012,

  62. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S. The concept of systemic-resonance bioinformatics.Resonances and the quest for transdisciplinarity. – In the book: Information Studies and the Quest for Transdisciplinarity.  World Scientific Series in Information Studies, volume 9, Chapter 17. Editors – M. Burgin, W.Hofkirchner, World Scientific. 2017. p. 467-487.

  63. Petoukhov S., Petukhova E., Hazina L., Stepanyan I., Svirin V., Silova T. The Genetic Coding, United-Hypercomplex Numbers and Artificial Intelligence. In: Hu Z., Petoukhov S., He M. (eds) Advances in Artificial Systems for Medicine and Education. AIMEE 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 658. Springer, Cham; DOI, Print ISBN 978-3-319-67348-6, Online ISBN 978-3-319-67349-3 (online is available from 20 August 2017 – ). Printed version of the book will be in 2018.

  64. Balonin N.A., Petoukhov S.V., Sergeev M.B. «Matrices in Improvement of Systems of Artificial Intelligence and Education of Specialists”. – In the book: «Advances in Artificial Systems for Medicine and Education», Editors Zhengbing Hu, Sergey Petoukhov, Matthew He. (Conference proceedings AIMEE 2017 – «Artificial Intelligence, Medical Engineering, Education», Moscow, 21-23 August 2017). Part of the «Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing» book series (AISC, volume 658), pages 39-52.

  65. Petoukhov S.V. “The system-resonance approach in modeling genetic structures». – Biosystems, January 2016, v. 139, p. 1-11. .

  66. Petoukhov S.V. “Matrix Genetics, Walsh Functions, Inherited Processes and Artificial Intellect” (the presentation of the lecture in «Central China Normal University» Wuhan, Hubei, China, 09-12 September 2016);

  67. Petoukhov S.V. “Musical Harmony, “I-Ching”, the Genetic Code and Genetic Music» (the presentation of the lecture in «Central China Normal University» Wuhan, Hubei, China, 09-12 September 2016);

  68. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S. «I-Ching, the Doctrine of Geno-Logic Code and Genetic Music» (the presentation on the 20th International Congress of Natural Medicine, Slovakia, 30 September – 02 October, 2016);

  69. Petoukhov S.V. Symmetries of the genetic code, Walsh functions and the theory of genetic logical holography. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, 2016, v.27, №2, p. 95-98 (the abstract of the lecture on the «Symmetry Festival-216», 18-23 July 2016, Vienna, Austria,
  70. Petoukhov S.V. Symmetries of the genetic code, Walsh functions and the theory of genetic logical holography (about the geno-logic code). – The presentation on the «Symmetry Festival-216»,18-23 July 2016, Vienna, Austria,
  71. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S. Resonances, Walsh functions and logical holography in genetics and musicology. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, 2017, v.28, №1, p. 21-40 (the lecture on the «Symmetry Festival-216», 18-23 July 2016, Vienna, Austria,
  72. The system-resonance approach in modeling genetic structures. – Biosystems, 2016, v. 139, p. 1-11.

  73. Petoukhov S.V., Petukhova E.S. I-Ching, the doctrine of geno-logic code and genetic music». – «Acupuncture and Natural Medicine», # 3, vol. 4, 2016, p. 22-34.
  74. Resonances and genetic biomechanics. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, т. 26, №3, 2015, p. 379-397.

  75. Bionics of Spiral Structures. – Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, 2015, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 249–253. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2015 (co-authors V.Svirin, L.Khazina) 

  76. Music and the Modeling Approach to Genetic Systems of Biological Resonances (Genetic system and vibrational mechanics) – extended abstracts and presentation at the International conference IS4IS, Vienna, Austria, 3-7 June, 2015 
  77. The Genetic Code, the Golden Section and Genetic Music.  – extended abstracts and presentation at the International conference IS4IS, Vienna, Austria, 3-7 June, 2015
  78.  The matrix method of representation, analysis and classification of long genetic sequences. – (co-author I.Stepanyan), – , October 31, 2013.
  79. Matrix genetics: algebra of projection operators, cyclic groups and inherited ensembles of biological cycles. – Book of Abstracts, the International Conference «Theoretical approaches to bioinformation systems», Belgrad, Serbia, 17-22 September 2013, p.25.
  80. The genetic code, algebra of projection operators and problems of inherited biological ensembles. – , July 30, 2013.
  81. Symmetries of the genetic code, hypercomplex numbers and
 genetic matrices with internal complementarities. – “Symmetries in genetic information and algebraic biology”, специальный выпуск журнала “Symmetry: Culture and Science”, Guest editor: S. Petoukhov, 2012, vol. 23, № 3-4, p. 275-301.
  82. Fractal genetic nets and symmetry principles in long nucleotide 
sequences. – “Symmetries in genetic information and algebraic biology”, специальный выпуск журнала “Symmetry: Culture and Science”, Guest editor: S. Petoukhov, 2012, vol. 23, № 3-4, p. 303-322 (co-author V.I.Svirin).
  83. Symmetries in molecular-genetic systems and musical harmony. – “Symmetries in genetic information and algebraic biology”, специальный выпуск журнала “Symmetry: Culture and Science”, Guest editor: S. Petoukhov, 2012, vol. 23, № 3-4, p. 343-375.  (co-authors – G.Darvas, A.Koblyakov, I.Stepanyan).
  84. Editorial. – “Symmetries in genetic information and algebraic biology”, специальный выпуск журнала “Symmetry: Culture and ScienceGuest editor: S. Petoukhov, 2012, vol. 23, № 3-4, p. 229-231.
  85. Dyadic groups, dyadic trees and symmetries in long nucleotide sequences. – , 27.04.2012
  86. Petoukhov S.V. Matrix Genetics and Algebraic Properties of the Multi-Level System of Genetic Alphabets. – Neuroquantology, 2011,  Vol 9, No 4, p. 60-81. 

  87. The genetic code, 8-dimensional hypercomplex numbers and dyadic shifts. –, February 17, 2011 (11th version – from 15 July 2016 with 5 Appendixes)
  88. The genetic code, 8-dimensional hypercomplex numbers and dyadic shifts.  – Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference of Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (BIOCOMP 2011), (Ed. H.Arabnia, Quoc-Nam Tram), July 18-21, 2011, Las Vegas Nevada, USA, v. 2, CSREA Press, p. 589-595. 

  89. Matrix genetics and the bipolar algebra of the genetic code. – Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Editors, Hamid Ariabnia, Quoc-Nam Tran, Associate Editors, Rui Chang, Matthew He, Andy Marsh, Ashu M. Solo, Jack Yang), 2010, CSREA Press, Vol. II, Pages 678-684 (co-author M. He).
  90. The genetic code, Hadamard matrices and algebraic biology. – Journal of Biological Systems, A Special Issue on Biomedical Engineering and Applied Computing, 18, 2010, Spec01, p. 159-175, DOI: 10.1142/S0218339010003688 , ) (co-author M. He).
  91. Matrix genetics, part 5: genetic projection operators and direct sums. – http:// arXiv:1005.5101v1 , May 18, 2010.
  92. The genetic code, Hadamard matrices and inherited cycles. – International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science (ICBECS 2010), 23-25 April 2010, Wuhan, China. Materials of the Conference, p. 7-8.

  93. A Survey on Mathematical Modeling on Potential Energy Surface of Proteins. – Lecture Notes of Seminario Interdisciplinare di Matematica, Vol. IX (2010), pp. 99-110. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Advanced Special Functions and Solutions of PDE’s (Edited by Alberto Cialdea, Giuseppe Dattoli, Matthew He, Hari Srivastava), (co-authors M.He, P.Ricci)
  94. Articles by different authors about “Petoukhov matrices” and “Petoukhov primes” in “The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences , A164575, A164557, A164522, A164516, A164309, A164308, A164281, A164279, A164092, A164057, A172039.
  95. Symmetries in matrix genetics and Hadamard matrices of the genetic code. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, vol. 20, No. 1-4, 2009, p. 77-98 (co-author M. He).
  96. Symmetries, generalized numbers and harmonic laws in matrix genetics. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, vol. 20, No. 1-4, 2009, p. 23-50 (co-author J. Kappraff)/
  97. Matrix genetics, part 4: cyclic changes of the genetic 8-dimensional Yin-Yang-algebras and the algebraic models of physiological cycles. – http://arXiv:0809.2714 September 17, 2008.
  98. Matrix genetics, part 3: the evolution of the genetic code from the viewpoint of the genetic octave Yin-Yang-algebra. – http://arXiv:0805.4692 , May 30, 2008.
  99. Matrix genetics, part 2: the degeneracy of the genetic code and the octave algebra with two quasi-real units (the “Yin-Yang octave algebra”). -http://arXiv:0803.3330 , March 23, 2008.
  100. Matrix genetics, part 1: permutations of positions in triplets and symmetries of genetic matrices. – http://arXiv:0803.0888, March 6, 2008
  101. The degeneracy of the genetic code and Hadamard matrices. – http://arXiv:0802.3366 , February 8, 2008.
  102. Degeneracy of the genetic code and its own multi-dimensional algebra. – – XX International Congress of Genetics. Berlin, July 12-17, 2008, Abstract book, p. 209.

  103. Matrix genetics, musical harmony and the genetic matrices of hydrogen bonds. – XX International Congress of Genetics. Berlin, July 12-17, 2008, Abstract book, p. 209.
  104. Harmony of living nature, symmetries of genetic systems and matrix genetics. – International journal of integrative medicine, 2007, v. 1, №1, p.41-43 (co-author M. He).
  105. Bioinformatics: matrix genetics, algebras of the genetic code and biоlogical harmony. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, v. 17, №1-4, 2006, р.253-291.
  106. 3D modeling in the field of biological prosthetics. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, v. 17, 2006, p. 239-248 (co-author V.M.Utenkov)
  107. Geometric properties of genetic code and the symbolic system of the ancient Chinese “Book of changes”. Genoart. – “MADI. Art periodical” №8, 2006, с. 56-57.
  108. Hadamard matrices and quint matrices in matrix presentations of molecular genetic systems. – Symmetry: Culture and Science, Vol. 16,  No. 3, 2005, p. 247-266.
  109. Symmetries and tensors of genetic codes. A bioinformatic approach to the geometrization of biology. – Proceedings of FIS2005, The Third Conference on the Foundations of Information Science, Paris, July 4-7, 2005. Editor: Michel PetitjeanOnline Edition, ISBN 3-906980-17-0, Published in Basel, Switzerland.
  110. Foreword to special issue “International Conference on Bioinformatics and its Applications – 2004”. – Journal of Biological Systems, v. 12, December 2004, p. 1-3 (co-authors D. Brutlag, M.He).

  111. Foreword to «Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications”. – «Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications” (editors – M.He, G.Narasimhan, S.Petoukhov), ISBN 981-256-148-X, Proceedings of the International Conference (Florida, USA, 16-19 December 2004), Series in Mathematical Biology and Medicine, v.8, 2005, pp.V-VII, New Jersey–London-Singapore-Beijing, World Scientific, ISBN 981-256-148-X (co-authors M.He, G.Narasimhan).

  112. The rules of degeneracy and segregations in genetic codes. The chronocyclic conception and parallels with Mendel’s laws. – “Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications” (editors – M.He, G.Narasimhan, S.Petoukhov), Proceedings of the International Conference (Florida, USA, 16-19 December 2004), Series in Mathematical Biology and Medicine, v.8, 2005, pp.512-532, New Jersey–London-Singapore-Beijing, World Scientific, ISBN 981-256-148-X.

  113. Genetic Code, Hamming Distance and Stochastic Matrices. – Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2004, v. 66, p. 1405-1421 (co-authors He M., Ricci P.).
  114. Influence of Well-Ordered Magnetic-Domain Structures on Biomechanical Characteristics and on Symmetries of Biological Objects. – Symmetry: Culture & Science, vol. 14-15, part 1, 2003-2004, pp. 349-354 (co-authors R.Abdumalikov, E.Bragina, G.Diatchina, D.Fedorova, O. Kolomiets, O.Kuzovlev).

  115. 3D modeling and symmetrological analysis of biotechnical systems. – Symmetry: Culture & Science, vol. 14-15, part 1, 2003-2004, pp. 309-310 (co-authors K.V.Frolov, V.M.Utenkov).
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