Sergey Petoukhov
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Sergey V. Petoukhov. Dr. Phys.-Math. Sci, Grand Ph.D., Full Professor, Laureate of the State prize of the USSR, academician. Chief of the Laboratory of biomechanical systems of the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. |
- 1964-970- a student of Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, Department: Physics of Living Systems.
- 1970-1973 — postgraduate of Moscow Physical-Technical Institute.
- 1973 — dissertation of candidate of biological sciences (in «biophysics» specialty).
- 1973 — till now — Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (Department of Biomechanics), Russian Academy of Sciences, now — Head of Biomechanical Systems Laboratory.
- 1988 — Dissertation of Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences (in two specialties: «biomechanics» and «crystallography and crystallophysics»)
- 1988 — a foreign stager of the Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Canada.
- 1989 — 2000 — Vice-President of the International society «ISIS-Symmetry» («International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry»).
- 2000 — till now — Director of Department of Biophysics and Chairman of Scientific-Technical Council in «Scientific-Technical Center of Information Technologies and Systems (INTES)».
- 2000 — till now — Academician of Academy of Quality Problems (Russia).
- 2003 — till now — Chairman of International Advisory Board of «International Symmetry Association (ISA)» (its headquarters is at Budapest, Hungary,
- 2003- till now — Honorary chairman of Board Directors of «International Society of Symmetry in Bioinformatics (ISSB)» (its headquarters is at Florida, USA,
- 2003 — 2004 — Chairman of the International Program Committee of «International Conference on Bioinformatics and its Applications-2004» (December, 2004, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA).
- 2004 — Grand Doctor of Philosophy, Full Professor (The European Academy of Informatization (Belgium),
- 2005 — till now — co-leader of scientific cooperation between Russian and Hungarian Academies of Sciences in the theme “Non-linear models and symmetrological analysis in biomechanics, bioinformatics and theory of self-organizing systems”,
- 2008 – till now – lectures at the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute in the department of “Computational models of technological processes”),
- 2008 – the bases of matrix analysis of molecular-genetic systems together with genetic Fibonacci-stage scales were described in his book “Matrix genetics, algebras of the genetic code, noise-immunity”, Moscow, 316 p. A video of the first concert of genetic music in these new musical scales (Vienna, Austria, 4 June 2015) is given at the website.
- 2012 – the “Honorable Diploma”, which S.V. Petoukhov was rewarded in China in connection with an inclusion of S.V.Petoukhov by the Chinese government in the official “List of Outstanding Scientists in the World” .
- 2014 – his conception of “resonant genetics” was formulated, which considers a living organism as a genetic system of resonances.
- 2016 – his doctrine was formulated about the geno-logical code, which includes the genetic logical holography and which exists in parallel with the known genetic code of amino acids in proteins;
- 2016 – Editor-in-Chief of the «International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing», published in Hong Kong (
- 2017 – Vice-Chair of the International Advisory Board Directors of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science (Hong Kong,
- 2017 – Vice-President of the International Society of Natural Medicine (ISNM)), Slovakia.
- 2017 – the internship at the Institute of Mathematical Biology of the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences (Germany) on the basis of a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
- 2019 – his discovery of universal rules of stochastic organization of DNA nucleotide sequences in higher and lower organisms was published.
- 2020 – his discovery of a connection of DNA informatics with principles of algebraic holography was published.
- 2021 – Co-Chairman of the international interdisciplinary seminar “Algebraic biology and systems theory” (Moscow, Russia).
- 2021 – Co-Chairman of the section “Mathematical Biology and Systems Theory” of the Scientific Council on the Methodology of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 2022 – his doctrine of energy-information evolution based on bio-antenna arrays and quantum informatics was published.
S.Petoukhov is Editor-in-Chief of the «International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing» (published in Hong Kong) and a member of editorial boards of journals «Symmetry: Culture and Science» (ISF, published in Hungary) and “Medicine and high technology” (published in Moscow). He is co-editor of two book series by Springer: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Vols. 658, 754, 902, 938, 1126, 1127, 1315, 1402, 1403) and Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (Vols. 82, 83, 107, 119, 121). He is a guest editor of «Symmetry in Genetic Information», ISBN 963216 242 0, special double issue of the journal «Symmetry: Culture and Science», 2001, v.12, #3-4. He is an editor (together with M.He and G.Narasimhan) of the book «Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications», Series in Mathematical Biology and Medicine, v. 8, 2005, World Scientific. He is a guest editor of the issue «Symmetries in Genetic Information and Algebraic Biology» of the journal “Symmetry: Culture and Science”, v. 23, # 3-4, 2012. He is deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “Medicine and Art”
S.Petoukhov is one of the main organizers of the following International events: conferences and festivals on symmetries in science and culture (1989, Budapest, Hungary; 1992, Hiroshima, Japan; 1995, Washington, USA; 1998, Haifa, Israel; 2003, 2006 and 2009, Budapest, Hungary; 2013, Delft, Netherlands; 2021, Sophia, Bulgaria), the conference «Bioinformatics and its Applications” (2004, Fort Lauderdale, USA), symposium “Music. Mathematics. Science” (2013, Moscow, Russia), symposium “Symmetries in genetic information and algebraic biology” (2013, Delft, Netherlands), symposium «Symmetries in music» (2013, Delft, Netherlands), symposium “Theoretical approaches to bioinformation systems — TABIS 2013” (2013, Belgrad, Serbia), «International Conferences of Artificial Intelligence, Medical Engineering, Education (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, Moscow, Russia)», «International Symposiums on Computer Science, Digital Economy and Intelligent Systems» (2019, 2020, 2021, Moscow, Russia), «International Conferences on Artificial Intelligence and Power Engineering» (2020, 2021, Moscow, Russia), International Conference on Artificial Intelligent and Agriculture Engineering (2021, Moscow).
He is the author of 7 books and more that 200 other scientific works.
He is a specialist in theoretical and mathematical biology (in particular, in problems of genetic coding and bioinformatics), biomechanics, crystallography, theories of symmetry and self-organization. He develops scientific directions of matrix genetics, genetic biomechanics and algebraic biology.